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The beaches of Dénia boast blue flags

Dénia and, specifically, its beaches, are in luck. And it is that at this moment they wave on its coastline more blue flags than ever, specifically six. This year the beaches of Marineta Cassiana and Les Deveses have joined the list. Precisely the latter, Les Deveses, is the beach we have just 150 meters from our campsite, so we are particularly proud, and it is not for less.

The Blue Flag is an award granted annually since 1987 by the European Foundation for Environmental Education to beaches and ports that meet a series of environmental conditions and facilities. The criteria that are valued are four: quality of bathing water, environmental information and education, environmental management and safety, and services and facilities.

This is a new demonstration of the quality of the nearly 20 km of beaches that Dénia has. And we are fortunate to have one of the best right next to us. What are you waiting to come to enjoy it?

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