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Dénia, a perfect destination for the little ones

Everyone knows that Denia offers a lot of things. And what is better, for all audiences. Because Dénia is an ideal destination to enjoy with the family. Dozens of routes - also suitable for children - designed to travel on foot, by bike or on horseback, 14 playgrounds spread throughout the city, fairgrounds in October-November and summer, ice rink in November, December and January, several children's leisure establishments, etc.

As if that were not enough, we must add the theatrical visits for children, the English and paddle surf courses organized by the Ocean Academy, kayaking, catamaran, surfing and windsurfing, etc. which Windsurfing Dénia performs, as well as the summer schools taught by the Tennis Club and the Golf Club.

Also, the City of Dénia offers a wide variety of workshops and summer activities every year for the enjoyment of the kings and queens of the house, which, of course, will also have a great time bathing in any of our beaches or enjoying of nature in the Montgó Natural Park.

And without going any further, in our campsite they also have a large and small pool, playground, games room with table football and billiards ... And Aqualandia, Terra Mítica and Terra Natura within a stone's throw. In short, fun is guaranteed.

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